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Anime Cute Couple Man Bald Drawing

Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo (TV Series 2003–2005) Poster

8 /10

Unlike any anime that's ever been made before.

In the year 31x5, an evil syndicate called the "Hair Hunt Troops" commence in world domination by shaving everyone's heads bald. But in their way of concurring is a resistance leader named "Bobobo-bo Bo-Bobo". A muscular afro man who has the ability to hear the words of any set of hair. He's vow to put a stop to this syndicate's evil plot by defeating all of it's members including the big boss himself, Lord Baldy Bald IV.

This may sound like a simple idea for an anime. But it's unlike anything you'll ever imagine. It's randomly plotted, for instance nothing is serious as it's both a slapstick comedy and a crazy adventure all mixed into one series. The thing that makes this anime stick out more than the others is it's cast of bazaar characters and unpredictable moments that no one would guess would happen.

With only 76 episodes and very little publicity in the U.S.A. Bobobo may seem unpopular, but in my opinion it's something to keep anyone occupied and get a laugh at the same time. Please be advised that this isn't an anime to think too much about or make any sense what so ever. I can't guarantee that it be anyone's instant favorite. Cause it's more suited as a like it or hate it series.

The whole series was originally going to be released by this one company on DVD. But they ended up going bankrupted. And the future of more releases of the series is unknown. I only hope one day the whole series will be release on a couple of box sets. Depending if any anime distributor would pick up the rights of it's English and Japanese version.

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10 /10

76 episodes is too little for this big of a show

While this series does end abruptly, it is one heck of a ride. From start to finish Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo is quite honestly one of the weirdest, funniest anime's I have ever seen. It's an anime where is midway between episodes you'll be playing rock paper scissors with the main characters, and at the end of the episode, you get your fortune told depending on how you played rock papers scissors and get answers based off of if you won, tied or lost.

I would recommend this series to anybody with an open mind that doesn't really care if there really isn't much of a story and if you're looking for a good laugh. What a great and uplifting series and probably one of the best purchases I've made this year anime wise and completely and totally worth your time.

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7 /10

Not for all tastes but good none the less

If you've seen Excel then you're more then likely ready for this show. This isn't the kind of thing I would recommend to most people. This show mostly subscribes to an insane brand of humor that will have the majority lost, and will probably hate the show. The first episode seems mainstream enough but as things progress, things only get weirder.

The battles are actually very fun to watch, watching some of the most insane attacks ever to be seen on a screen, including one that changes a man into a woman and has him/her marrying one of their henchmen. I am 100% serious. Most of the weirdness will come from Don Patch and Jelly Jiggler. Some characters like Soften(who's head is strawberry ice cream) Gasser( a kid who uses farts in his attacks) and Beauty(the damsel in distress) actually are somewhat serious and will often freak out at some of the absurdities.

The basic plot even becomes lost and there is not even a trace of any actual seriousness. Only for those with the taste for weired humor.


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9 /10

You will love it or hate it.

I've only watched the english dub and haven't read the manga, so this review is solely focused on the aspects of the american adaptation of the show and not how it relates to other source material. This show is an abstracted comedy parody of mainly: 1. Other anime series produced anythime up to 3 decades before this show. 2. Dealing with modern everyday for kids and young adults life. 3. Pop culture of the 2000s and prior 2 decades.

Bobobo absolutely never takes its self seriously. It goes for lots of cheap fast jokes, slapstick comedy, a type of schizophrenic "thats so random humor" that after viewing more than 10 episodes, will show some relatively constant theming. The characters inhabit a fantastical adventure world where everything seems possible and sentient being's imaginations can bend reality to their will. Since this fantastical world is established from the start of the show, a large part of the comedy comes from very mundane real world experiences, things and places showing up during fantastical events. How well the writing intertwines the normal, the ridiculous, and references to other media outputs the quality of the humor. If your thinking of giving this show a try I suggest watching up to the 21st episode; if you enjoyed it up to this point you'll like the rest, if you didn't, the flow or the type of episode progression is not going to change much for the next 55 episodes.

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1 /10

This show freakin sucks!

Warning: Spoilers

I have only ever seen this show in English but i'm not waiting with baited breath that the Japanese version will be any better. This show proves why it's wrong to dub animes.

I've seen parts of this show on Jetix but I've never watched a full episode of this because it drove me insane.

This show is incredibly random and things that make absolutely no sense, i mean literally is beyond all reason why it's there are thrown at you like every two seconds, like in this one episode where first they were on a beach and then they were playing baseball, and that's a mild example.

the English dubbing is far too fast and the voices suck.

I just don't know what to make of this show, but i am certainly never watching it again and i hope no one else does.

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10 /10

What even was this show? lol

This show came on the Toonami little segment like really late into the night, and when I first seen it, I was instantly confused, weirded out but also intrigued, mesmerized and amazed at the same time. It was a strange experience overall but a good strange experience. And when I tell people about this "anime" (I dunno if you'd even call this an anime) people never believe that its real and that it existed, and they always have to Google it lol.

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10 /10

Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo: My most favorite Japanese show of all time!

When I first discovered this show in 2006 while I was watching TV one night on Cartoon Network, I watched a little bit of the episode when Bobobo and Don Patch are doing something funny. Both of them had a bunch of teddy bears with them and they wanted a person, that works a gas station, to put gas into the teddy bears. The man tried to convince Bobobo not to put gasoline in bears, but they did it anyway, because they are just so silly. One of the bears named # 2 exploded into a hundred pieces and Bobobo and the others cried and even got a picture of # 2 with them. Everyone else in the show was feeling like they just did something very silly and really didn't feel sorry for Bobobo. If you want to know more about the show and this particular episode, go ahead and watch this great show on the internet and you will love what I like to call the Japanese version of Dumb and Dumber (1994).

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9 /10


What a strange show this is. To think that Toonami picked it up in the first place is strange. Strange or not this anime is freaking cool.

Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo (or Bo x7) is an anime about the titular character mostly know as just Bobobo and his allies stopping an evil group called the "Hair Hunt Troop" from shaving the world's populous bald. Even some members of the Hair Hunt Troop align themselves with Bobobo after he defeats them.

The catch of this show is the amount of weird and borderline absurdest humor from Bobobo, the majority of his allies and just about everyone else in the show. At one point Bobobo or one of the others are fighting an opponent, out of nowhere somebody (usually Bobobo or Don Patch, a character shaped like the sun with legs) does something completely random to what they were doing, sometimes effecting the outcome of the first thing they were doing.

The show was written with many Japanese jokes, with the English dub came, they re-wrote many of the jokes, making the show even weirder.

This show's hilarious, though the absurdity of the show is too much for some, I recommend you watch it once. Some hate it, some like it, but I'm certain most will be entertained by Bo x7's random humor instead of put off by it.

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In the 31st century,an evil emperor has instituted a Hair Hunt as a display of his ruthless power.The citizens are left in fear of loosing their locks to the vicious Hair Hunters,but one man has decided to make a stand.BoBoBo-BoBo-BoBo (they call him BoBoBo for short)known for his golden afro and Nose Hair karate techniques.With his sidekicks Beauty and Don Patch,he sets off a journey to fight the Hair Hunters and unsure the safety of hair everywhere.Bobobo is a cross dresser who met Beauty first,and then Don Patch.More and more strange characters start appearing on the show and will either be on Bobobo's team,or be a foe against Bobobo.

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1 /10

its not Excel Saga

...really if I could summarize Bobobo-Bo-bo-bobo in a few words I would say... biggest pile of random rubbish ever manifested. Since the beginning of my existence I have had a passion for Japanese animation, I've seen much of what can be seen in anime and usually enjoyed it. A very common thing in anime is the bizarre inhuman scenario and many times the bizarre part turns into insanity. By insanity I mean the show doesn't make any freaking sense but instead tries to be funny. The series goes from possible story to spontaneous explosions of randomness. Such is the case in Bobobo in which the show tries to be funny by having random things happening ALL of the time... and I mean ALL of the time, so much so that the show becomes incomprehensible, unfunny, unrelentingly abysmal that the fact that its random anime doesn't help it from becoming a piece of nonsense. Let me elaborate, Bobobo attempts to appeal to kid audiences by having multiple fart jokes and cheap puns over and over again. For example, they're fighting someone and then the main character will do something idiotic/homosexual the attack (if it is an attack) will then be blocked by the even more random enemy and then the female character will pop out of the side with the same EXACT face she had the last time she was shocked and say something like "THATS YOUR MASTER PLAN!?!?" in the exact same tone of voice that she had the lst thousand times she did it in the same episode. Sometimes the story will just completely stop and it will go to some random side story about something random that has no humor in it and no merit to the story. This is by far the worst form of storytelling ever conceived, there's nothing worse than when anime attempts to cash in by having spontaneous randomness, fan service, mindless action, or cute characters. Mind you that is not to say that there haven't been great anime that fall into those territories. FLCL and Excel Saga are incredibly random but they have humor because they have a plot, stick with a blend of surreal down-to-earth behaviors and actions, and are funny still. DBZ was mindless action but it was still decent and had a decent story (up until Cell). And I cannot even begin to name all the anime that were good but have fan-service. As for the cute characters, Azumanga Daioh has the cutest characters ever drawn and its one of the best anime ever. Though you might hear it a lot this time its true, the English dub is horrendous in Bobobo, loud, untalented, and annoying. The sound consists mostly of explosions, and other assorted amounts of random sounds. The animation is the cliché Japanese animation adding nothing new to the roster other than a talking sun thing and a blue gumbi. I just cant recommend anything about this anime to ANYBODY, Adults will hate it for its childish demeanor, Teens will hate it for its pointless jokes, Kids will hate it for its not being funny. In fact, I guarantee that if you let a child watch this show you will damage his/her brain for life. If this ever comes out on DVD I suggest you go to your local Best Buy and kick anybody who buys it... no wait then you'd actually be acknowledging it's existence. stay away from this piece of rubbish 1/10 Abysmal

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8 /10

The weirdest show I've ever seen

I missed the first few episodes of this anime but since there's really no plot to it then I guess it doesn't matter that I did. My 9 year old sister was the one who first told me to watch it, mostly it was out of curiosity, but whatever it was I found myself watching this show for half an hour. By the end I said "wow.....what the hell was that?!"

As I said previously this anime has little or no plot. It's pure randomness, and if there ever is a plot you usually don't catch it because you're either a) laughing too hard or b) trying to figure out what just happened. Basically it's about this guy called Bobobo (im not even gonna try and spell the whole thing) and his companions Beauty, Don Patch, Gasser, Jelly Jiggler, Softon, and sometimes Dengaku Man. I'm not quite sure what they're all trying to accomplish except fighting these Hair-Hunter people who shave everyone's heads. Bobobo's nose hairs turn into whips when the bad guys come around and he uses "Super Fist of the Nose Hair" to beat 'em up. Sometimes he doesn't use this attack until all the way at the end of the fight because he's too busy cross-dressing, beating up Don Patch and Jelly Jiggler, or having some sort of party with the enemy.

Overall this is the most effed up anime I've seen yet, but I'm not saying I hated it. A lot of it was so stupid and random that it was actually funny, though the narrator needs to take a hike cuz 1) his jokes suck and 2) narrators are suppose to fill you in on what's going on, which he practically NEVER does. It's an anime that'll make you laugh, say "wtf" every five minutes, and want to plunge off a cliff all at the same time. If it's ever on watch it and see what you think. I give it an 8/10 because it's so randomly funny :)

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A great absurd and spoof show

Bobobo is blonde-afro-haired hero, defending the world against the hair-hunters who serve to Margarita Empire using his famous nose-hair attack. His friends Don Patch (I don't know what sort of life-form he is) and the beauty girl called Beauty help him in his adventure. Along the show goes on, many other characters appears, such as the mysterious Softon, the man with a strange shaped head that seems like...

I'm not very keen on the classic japan series, but I've seen some of them (Dragon Ball, Sailor Moon, and so...) and this show spoofs them in a very good way.

With a lot of senseless and absurd humor, but very funny, this series become a great one among my cartoon favourites. And the Spanish dubbed version (which i've seen) it's even greater!!

For everybody who has seen it: PruKoGI, PruKoGi, PruKoGi...!! (as Don Patch would do)

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a weird show

Warning: Spoilers

This Show is named after the main character, Bobobobo Bo-bobo. Of course, we call him Bo-bobo for short. Bobobobo Bo-bobo is a tall Black (sorry to say that, but we can't say African-American. It's Japanese!) man with a yellow afro who fights people with his nose hairs. The story is that in the year 300X (apparently we're in a future so distant, they forgot what year it was?) the Bald Empire went around "Hair-Hunting," or stealing hair from people's hair. Bobobobo Bo-bobo and his partner Don Patchi (a Japanese candy) (AKA Poppa Rocks - English) his red polygon friend go around fighting the Bald Empire. Along the way they meet many characters, who help them fight. This is more of a comedy than anything, so if you like to laugh, then you should see this. This show is coming this fall to Cartoon Network.

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10 /10

One of the best shows ever.

Warning: Spoilers

Hey there! So, I used to watch this show as a kid and just remembered about it, so I started watching the first episodes and I could not stop laughing and saying "WTF!" I love watching kid's shows and stuff, but this is the kind of show with regular jokes that make me just burst out laughing. It's like south park for kids but a million times more random. It doesn't make any sense, to the point that I practically pee my pants. Just seeing the theme song makes me laugh every time. There's so much random battles and villains and fights and characters and flashbacks and churros and wooden spoons making smaller wooden spoons. One minute you'll be watching Bo, crying and dressed like a cheerleader, the next minute he'll be putting on a play with a green mean soup alien who wants everybody to eat rice soup (And I'm pretty sure the alien says dick in that episode but I can't tell). It's like watching someone make fun of how random and unusual Japanese animes are. The voices are hilarious, especially bo's, the jokes are so random, you'll be rolling on the floor, and I could watch the theme song all day. It should have never been canceled. It's just like watching an abridged series on youtube.

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10 /10

Wiggy Fun for Everyone!

The future is now, and now's all about the hair. BoBoBo is a master of the Fist of the Nose Hair, known for his big blonde afro and his wiggin skills. His companions-- Beauty, an aptly named girl, and Don Patch, who seems to be a giant star-candy-- are on a quest to take down the evil empire led by some bald guy... To be honest, I forget what the guy's name is, I'm just here for the wiggin'! Wiggin' is how they describe acting out wacky scenarios. It's like they're playing a child's pretend game. The stories are always changing as BoBoBo and Don Patch parody instantly recognizable clichés of anime. The mood never gets too heavy; it's all about having a good laugh. The writer was even kind enough to toss in a couple of glompable (but undeniably weird) bishies for good measure. This show's got everything you could want, except maybe logic.

This show is complete idiocy. It's madness. It's ridiculously ludicrous. You gotta see it!

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Anime Cute Couple Man Bald Drawing


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